Company name: PCW31 SL
79 bis rue des lacs 31150 Lespinasse 
SIRET number of the establishment: 51537453600016


Société Ligne Web Services,
RCS Paris B 851 993 683 00024
10 rue Penthièvre, 75008 Paris

Tel: 01 77 62 30 03

This website was created by Pcw31

Personal data
Our site does not ask its visitors to register by name and does not register by name for the simple consultation of its pages. However, in certain cases (sharing features and social modules, contact forms, participation in a competition, online payment, etc.), you may be asked to leave personal data (names, first names, telephone numbers, postal addresses, email addresses, etc.). The mandatory or optional nature of the data is indicated to you during collection by an asterisk. Where applicable, the collection form may be accompanied by a checkbox allowing you to accept or refuse that your data be used for commercial purposes on behalf of third parties, and/or transferred to third parties. We do not collect any sensitive data, namely any data relating to your racial or ethnic origins, your political, philosophical or religious opinions or your trade union membership, or which relate to your health or your sex life. Furthermore, when you visit our website, we are required to collect and process data relating to your browsing (including cookies, your IP address, the pages you have viewed and the searches you have carried out), and to your terminal (type of browser used, model and version of your operating system, resolution of your screen, presence of certain plug-ins, etc.). We will also carry out an approximate geolocation of your city of origin. This data will be used on the one hand to produce statistics on the use of our site in order to make it more relevant, to identify companies interested in our products, and to offer you advertising offers on and outside our site relating to your interests and, possibly, your location.

Cookies are small text files stored in your browser when you visit our site subject to the settings of your browser and which will be used to recognize your terminal when you connect to our site in order to: 1. establish statistics and counts of visits and use of the various sections and content of our site in order to carry out studies to improve its content; 2. To adapt advertising content to your interests and, possibly, your location, which results from the browsing data of your terminal among the sections of our site without us having personal data allowing us to identify you or contact you directly.

Third-party cookies
When you access our site, one or more cookies from partner companies ("third-party cookies") may be placed on your terminal. The purpose of these third-party cookies is to identify your interests through the products viewed on our site and to collect browsing data in order to personalize the advertising offer sent to you outside of our sites. We ensure that partner companies agree to process the information collected on our sites in compliance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 and undertake to implement appropriate measures to secure and protect data confidentiality.

Cookies integrated into third-party applications on our site
We may include a third-party computer application in some of the features of our site, allowing users of our site to share content, such as the Facebook “Share” or “Like” buttons, or the “Twitter”, “LinkedIn” buttons, etc. The social network providing the application may identify you using its own cookies, even if you have not used its buttons when you visited our site, simply because you are logged into your user account on your device with the social network concerned. We have no control over the process used by social networks to collect this information and invite you to consult their privacy policies.

Intellectual property
The Site, as well as any software used in connection with it, contain confidential information as well as data protected by intellectual property law. All brands, photographs, texts, comments, illustrations, images, animated or not, video sequences, (possibly: sounds), as well as all computer applications that could be used to operate the Site and more generally all elements reproduced or used on it are protected by the laws in force under intellectual property. They are the full and entire property of the publisher or its partners. Any reproduction, representation, use, adaptation or modification, in any form whatsoever, of all or part of these elements, including computer applications, without the prior written consent of the publisher, is strictly prohibited. The fact that the publisher does not initiate proceedings upon becoming aware of these unauthorized uses does not constitute acceptance of them or a waiver of prosecution.

The company PCW31 – SL is the owner of the figurative trademark PCW31 and its logos. The Internet user recognizes the exclusive rights of the publisher over the figurative trademark and its logos, and refrains from making any use of them and, more generally, from infringing its intellectual property rights. The publisher reserves the right to claim damages in the event of counterfeiting, and more generally, infringement of its intellectual property rights. The publisher's partners are the owners of their trademarks.All other brands or logos appearing on the Site are the property of either the publisher or its service providers, partners or suppliers. Any use, in any way whatsoever, of these brands and/or logos and/or any other content is subject to the express authorization of the holder of the intellectual property rights concerned.

Visitor Behavior
Each Visitor must use the Internet responsibly with respect and courtesy towards the rights of other Internet Users. In this respect, the Visitor, by accessing the Site, is prohibited from: Uploading to the Site, displaying, sending by e-mail or transmitting by any other means any content that is illegal, harmful, threatening, insulting, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, contrary to good morals, infringing on a person's privacy, including their right to image, or that is derogatory or shocking from an ethnic or other point of view, Uploading to the Site, displaying, sending by e-mail or transmitting by any other means any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising or promotional materials, false information, "chain letters", or any other form of solicitation, Displaying, sending by e-mail or transmitting by any other means to the Site any material containing software viruses or other computer codes, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or any telecommunications equipment, disrupting or interrupting the Site or the servers or networks connected thereto to the Site, or violate the requirements, procedures, rules or regulations of networks connected to the Site, attempt to harm the service of any User, host or network, which includes, without this list being exhaustive, exposing the Site to a virus, creating a saturation, flooding the server, saturating the messaging of e-mails or falsifying any information contained in any header, accessing data not intended for the Visitor or entering a server/account to which the Visitor is not authorized to have access, attempting to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of a system or network, or to violate the security or authentication measures without having received prior authorization from the publisher, usurp the identity of another person, conduct or incite a third party to conduct an illegal activity or any other activity which would infringe the rights of the publisher, its suppliers, partners or any other Visitor. Recognizing the global nature of the Internet, each Visitor agrees to comply with all local and international rules and procedures relating to online behavior. At any time, the publisher may implement any means to terminate, without notice, the use of the Site or any of the services by the Visitor due to any conduct that violates these terms of use, without prejudice to any damages that it reserves the right to claim from the Visitor.

Site Management
For the proper management of the Site, the publisher may at any time: suspend, interrupt or decide to limit access to all or part of the Site, or reserve access to it to a specific category of Internet users, delete any information that may disrupt its operation or contravene national or international regulations, suspend the Site in order to carry out updates.


Access and operation of the Site :
The Visitor is personally responsible for the knowledge required to use the Internet and for setting up the computer and telecommunications resources, which are his/her entire responsibility, allowing access to the Site. The User must take all appropriate measures to protect his/her equipment and his/her own data, in particular from viral attacks on the Internet. He/she is also solely responsible for the sites and data that he/she consults. The Visitor is responsible for the connection and equipment costs related to access to the Internet and use of the Site. The publisher shall not be held liable for any damage, direct or indirect, that any Visitor may suffer in the context of or as a result of such use, or that any third party may suffer as a result of the use of the Site by any Visitor, whatever the causes, origins, natures, or consequences, including in the event of inability to access the Site or one of its features.

Limitation of liability:
The publisher shall not be held liable for any guarantee, whether implicit or explicit, concerning the suitability of the information, products, accessories or services appearing on the Site for the use that the Visitor intends to make of them. The Site may include links to other websites or other Internet sources. To the extent that the publisher cannot control the accuracy of the information found therein, nor its content, it cannot be held responsible for its availability and cannot bear any responsibility for the content, advertisements, products, services or any other information or data available on (or from) these sites or external sources. Furthermore, it cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss proven or alleged in connection with access to, use of, having trusted, or with the inability to use the content, goods or services of these sites or external sources.

The publisher reserves the right to modify and update these general conditions of use without notice. In order to be informed of these possible modifications, immediately applicable, it advises Visitors to refer to them regularly via the Site. Use of the Site will be subject to the conditions in force at the time of use.

Divisible nature of the clauses
In the event that one of the clauses of these conditions becomes null or unenforceable due to a change in regulations or is declared as such following a final court decision, the other clauses will retain both their validity and their scope.

Applicable law:
These general conditions of use are governed by French law and will be subject to the competent French courts.

For any questions, information on the products presented on the Site, or concerning the Site itself, the User is invited to send an email to the publisher at the address Support

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